Monday, May 2, 2016

2016 Bowman Baseball blaster

Sport:  Baseball
Product:  2016 Bowman blaster
Break Date:  April 30, 2016
Hit Breakdown:   No guaranteed hits
Summary:  Bowman marks the beginning of the prospecting season for many collectors. While I'm not one who loves that angle of collecting, I do like opening a little bit of Bowman - mainly to see about grabbing up some Cardinals prospects.

So, when I saw the huge hits people were pulling out of this year's release, I figured it was time to give it a shot. However - the one blaster I bought turned out to be a huge swing and a miss. 

Retail is always not the place you go hunting for huge cards. I've been back in the collecting world long enough to know that. But, with a Bowman blaster, I figure you'll at least get a refractor, or maybe a numbered paper base, or SOMETHING.

Nope. Not this blaster, at least.

All told, it was a pretty big pile of base cards. The nicest card was probably the Kenta Maeda Chrome rookie. There was one parallel - a silver paper Raimel Tapia - and a few inserts.

That's it.

The design for this year's cards is pretty busy also - I'm glad they went away from the white border theme that was pretty prevalent for too many years in a row, but this year's just a tad cluttered for my taste.

Overall, this was a dud. The low product grade may be fluid - if I get another blaster or two and do a bit better it may inch up. Again, I don't expect anything out of retail. But, for now...meh.

Grade for the product:  C-
Grade for the break:  D

Prospects Silver:  Raimel Tapia
Bowman Scouts Top 100:  Andrew Benintendi
Sophomore Standouts:  Noah Syndergaard
International Ink:  Eddy Taveras

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